I went to the old GVSP office to get the hook so we can install the logo in the new headquarters. It's indeed a big difference from a tiny single room to a bigger one with a kitchen and living room.
Old GVSP Office |
GVSP started as a small organization about 10 years ago and now they are receiving more support for their advocacy from the different sectors of the society. The members of this NGO is very inspiring and one of them is John Paul (JP) Maunes whom I met about 2 years ago in the National Volunteers' Summit in Cagayan de Oro City.
New GVSP Office |
We we're joining the Youth Organization Capacity building of the National Youth Commission which was given by Commissioner Earl Saavedra. It was just a brief encounter but I could remember how passionate he was for his cause towards the deaf community. Personally, I have been itching to learn sign language since high school and was further motivated when we had classroom observations in SPED centers in Iligan City during my college days.
After getting the hooks, I went back and found the logo banner already installed.
The world is very small and there are many people we meet for just a while but leaves a mark of inspiration. It's maybe because when your passionate with what you're doing - it can indeed be very contagious. :)
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