It's the 23rd day of the ICS Volunteering Journey and this afternoon, my British counterpart and I decided to join the Filipino Sign Language (FSL) Lessons at the Southwestern University. It's going to be the second time that we will be joining the activity.
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Jera, an ICS Deaf volunteer teaching the Signs of the different Barangays in Cebu City. |
We had a review about the previous lectures starting from A-Z, counting numbers and some basic words used for first meeting conversations. Later, the signs of different barangays in Cebu were introduced by Jera.
After the review, they were given series of tests to assess their learning. Many PWDs came to volunteer and learn FSL to assist Deaf voters in the upcoming May 13, 2013 elections.
I was then asked to help interpret for the Deaf facilitators. It was easier compared before. I have more vocabularies to easily understand basic FSL. A Technical Training on the voting procedures was then scheduled and announced.
Today's training is all about Enhancing Skills, Access, and Opportunities (ESAO) for the Filipino Sign Language in Regional TV News Broadcast, Voter Registration, and Education which included Cebu City, Davao City, Baguio City and Ilo-ilo City. ESAO supports the Fully Abled Nation (FAN) program that aims to increase participation of PWDs for the May 2013 Elections.
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